Looking for Something Special?
auctions to find that perfect home good!

Our Mission
“To provide unparalleled service and compassion to our clients in a time of need, while maximizing the value of their estates by using our experience, network, and commitment to being a leader in the liquidation industry.”HiddenWorth Group is an Erie-based estate sale and appraisal company serving clients throughout northwest Pennsylvania. The father-son team specializes in estate sale planning and execution as well as appraisals and liquidation services. With over 35 years of estate sale experience HiddenWorth provides friendly, timely, and confidential estate sale services. Lead appraiser, August R. Fetcko, has published many books and guides on the subject of antiques and estate sales, as well as spoken at esteemed institutions such as The Chautauqua Institute. The team are also featured columnists and industry writers.
How it Works
Hiddenworth Group specializes in estate liquidation services for individuals, real estate agents, banks, attorneys, executors/executrixes of estates, university development offices and seniors who are downsizing to retirement communities or assisted living facilities.
- An entire liquidation of a personal estate or business can be professionally conducted by Hiddenworth Group's highly trained staff.
- Fully insured and bonded, our sales staff will set up, display, and price your items so that you, the client, will receive the fairest return possible on your items.
- Every sale is aggressively advertised and marketed locally, regionally, and in some instances, nationwide.
- We have extensive contacts at major auction houses (Sotheby's, Douglas, Dargate, Christies, etc.) to ensure that items which are considered gallery or museum quality will reach their highest sales potential.
What our clients say
Discover your Worth!
We're here to help from start to finish!

Comprehensive Service
- We do everything needed to research antiques & collectibles.
- We set up, photograph, research, and professionally staff our sales.
- Our estate sales are heavily promoted through our website, social media, web blog, and classified newspapers advertisements.
- Our estate sales are conducted with respect and confidentiality.
- Our sales are secured & managed by our experienced & capable Hiddenworth staff.
- Our network of loyal buyers reliably attend our sales.
- Our service is professional and dependable.
- Our policy is to include an estate sales log with your final statement, so you can see what items sold for, and how much.